Exact Target responsive email templates

Exact Target responsive email templates

I created a set of responsive email templates and integrated them into Salesforce Exact Target. The templates use personalization strings, are responsive, and work across multiple email clients thanks to the excellent Campaign Monitor template builder that I used as a starting point.

Adobe CQ Component – iPad Scroller

iPad Scroller

This week I created an Adobe CQ component to showcase our new iPad app. The component allows the author to upload images and specify text related to each screen. The screens swipe to the left just like an iPad. Options to control the time between each slide are also included in the component properties.

Equivalent Finder

Equivalent Finder

Having recently moved from the UK to the US, I discovered all the differences in the words we use, like trousers and pants for example. This meant my weekend project had to be a solution to this problem, so I created EquivalentFinder.com – a database of US words and their UK equivalents. I also included food and retail stores. The site is built on WordPress and uses mark down for easy editing.

Data browser

Data browser

For a recent project which required the parsing and display of large XML files (~1MB), I utilized the excellent jqGrid plugin, and coupled it with a jQueryUI Calendar to provide an way for customers to browse data by date.

jQuery Plugin

This should have happened many many years ago, but surprisingly the requirement has only just arisen, so today I wrote a jQuery plugin… (and I was impressed how easy it was!)
