Side project launched -


Over the weekend I launched my latest side-project, aimed at the world of RC hobbyists (which I am).

The site provides ratings and reviews for all the parts required to build multirotor flying machines (drones), and most importantly allows users to create “build lists” of their preferred parts. These lists can then be shared with others and rated.

In future I plan to expand the site to include other areas of RC, like planes, helicopters, boats and cars.

The site is a webapp, it uses as a backend and is completely written by myself, in javascript, using the Parse Javascript API.

Check it out:

Drupal training


Today I completed a 2 day training course on Drupal, we covered the following topics:

  • Installing Drupal
  • Navigating the Drupal interface
  • Understanding Drupal content
  • Managing Drupal content using content types
  • Adding data fields to Drupal content
  • Choosing and configuring modules
  • Choosing and configuring themes
  • Configuring and working with Drupal user permissions
  • An introduction to the Drupal workflow for building a complete, advanced sites
  • An introduction to themes and the Drupal theming system
  • Building a theme
  • An introduction to template overrides

Responsive Conversion

In time for the Google mobile search results algorithm change, I converted our existing website to be fully responsive, from phone to tablet to desktop.

Make it do everything

I can’t show a screenshot yet, but I recently built a website which:

  • Is fully responsive, fully.
  • Degrades gracefully down to IE7
  • Uses a video background
  • Features parallax scrolling

It’s pretty epic, stay tuned.

Performance improvements

I have been making performance improvements to our website recently. You can see the decrease in orderall size over time on the chart below. Achieved with lazy loading and image optimization mainly.

Performance improvements